Controlling the Craps Dice

Craps players are a league unto their own for the most part, dealing with a game that requires only luck and no skill. Only the very lucky win at craps, everyone else gets left with well crap. However there are constant rumours circulating about players at casinos who can control the dice and I don’t mean telepathically. Players who have devised a method to holding the dice, the angle at which they throw them, the speed at which they fly through the air and bounce off the opposite side of the table. If this is true these players must have a fantastic grasp on the physics of moving objects.

Stanford Wong a notable gaming expert even claims that this technique exists. Wong is the writer of many gambling books, coaching inexperienced players into becoming experts through his words so it’s hard to dismiss his idea as rubbish. So maybe you can consciously control the way the dice fall. Maybe you can mentally estimate the angle and speed needed to throw the dice so they don’t come up snake eyes. Then again maybe you can sink a basket from across a room or strike out a batsman. I’m not saying these aren’t possible, I’m saying that it’ll take years of training like athletes go through to eventually have that kind of grasp on the dice. Not to mention that this skill is mostly useless if you play craps at online casinos.

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