Welcome to the Craps Table

For the novice Craps player, attempting the game can be tricky and risky. Looking unconfident adds to the unluck that might follow if you don’t know your lingo and basic rules. It’s an easy game and very popular in movies and on television. Many a man at the Craps table has had his dice blown on by an attractive little thing, wearing only a tight little thing. Be that a real life occurrence or merely a movie maker’s tactic, either way it won’t happen until the 101 of Craps is mastered. 

The Come Box

The Come Box is in the top middle area of each side. Bets on the Come Box like bets on the pass line mean you believe that the dice will pass or a point will repeat before a seven-out happens but you can only make this bet after a come-out roll. You win on this bet if a player hits a seven or an eleven but if a player shoots a two, three or twelve then you lose and if a player shoots a point then your come bet goes on that number and you win if that number repeats before the next seven is rolled and lose if the seven hits before that number.

The Don’t Come Box

The Don’t Come Box is in the top outside corner of each side. Like the Don’t Pass Line it bars the 12. Any player with a bet in the Don’t Come Box wins if a player shoots a two or three but if a player shoots a seven or an eleven then the player with the bet in the don’t come box loses.  

The Field

The Field is found just in front of the Come Line on both sides, bets in the field last only one roll of the dice if a player rolls five, six, seven or eight the player with the bet in the field loses but if a player rolls a two, three, four, nine, ten, eleven or twelve the player with a bet in the field wins.

The Place Bets

The numbers just behind the Come Line are the Place Bets – they are only available after the come-out roll and a player can only bet someone rolling a four, five, six, eight, nine or ten. The player wins if someone shoots the number they bet on before the next ‘seven-out’.

The Pass Line

The Pass Line traverses the outer area of the side betting areas. A bet on the pass line means you believe that the dice will pass or a point will repeat before a ‘seven-out’ happens.

The Don’t Pass Line

This line is found just behind the Pass line and is considerably slimmer, it holds the “barring the 12″ box that indicates if a player shoots a twelve during their come-out roll it will result in a push.

The Big Six and The Big Eight

The Big Six and Big Eight boxes are found in the top left corner of each side. Betting on a big six means that you are betting a six will be rolled before seven, likewise betting on a big eight is a bet that an eight will be rolled before the seven. The payoff ratio on this bet is slightly lower than placing the six or the eight in the field.

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