Types Of Gamblers

Many people around the world enjoy the thrill of gambling once in a while, some more often. Gamblers can be classified into several types.

Casual Social Gambler: This is the most common type of gambler. For such gamblers, gambling is just like any other form of entertaining activity. They will gamble infrequently.

Serious Social Gambler: For such people, gambling is one of the main entertaining activities compared to any other form. These gamblers will gamble more frequently and will gamble with a lot of passion and interest.

Relief/Escape Gambler: Such gamblers seek an escape from real life through gambling. For them, most of the time spent outside home and office is spent in gambling. Gambling is more than just a pastime.

Compulsive Gambler: For such gamblers, gambling is one of the most important activities of life. Everything else takes a secondary place, including work, family and friends. They live to be able to gamble. These gamblers will gamble as frequently as they are able to.

Professional Gambler: For these gamblers, gambling is the main source of income. They earn their livelihood through their winnings made from gambling. In most cases, this is their only source of income. These gamblers will sometimes even have a fixed daily schedule for their gambling activity, and even if they don’t, they do tend to gamble almost daily.

Anti-Social Gambler: These gamblers usually have anti-social tendencies. Gambling is just one of the many ways through which they can earn some quick money unethically. These gamblers are the type which will look for opportunities to cheat at the game or rig the game itself. These gamblers will gamble on opportunity basis, meaning as and when they see an opportunity to make money easily.

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